Saturday, March 13, 2010

just plain random

its been awhile since my last post:/ but i thought i might update(:

the beginning of spring break is so refreshing. you have just worked off another one and a half six weeks of work/school. but you know whats better to think of? one and a half more six weeks until summer. i cant wait. although something that really sucks is that i am doing absolutely doing nothing during summer except summer band. maybe the occasional hangout on the week with my friends. hopefully i get a job so i wont bore myself to death.

anyways back to the subject of spring break. all im doing is hanging out with alex and briana pretty much the whole week. not to shabby. maybe we could watch a few movies and play nazi zombies(: hopefully!

well i will be back to post more so keep checking up on me(: i hope you like my new background! i know i do!

little bledsoe

Sunday, February 8, 2009

a few comic strips

ok so this may not actually be a comic strip but its like one to me :) with no pictures. i went to d-now and that changed the way i think totally about God. we had Francis Chan there [speaker] and he told the word of God! like a way for us teens to actually get it. it was such a blessing to have him there. there was one reading that blew my mind tho...

if u happen to have a bible near you that would be pretty helpful reading this :] the reading was revelations chapter 4. that is the most amazing chapter i have found yet. it will totally change your perspective of God. like i thought he was a giant human surrounding the world. but i was way off. it says that he looks like a mixture of jasper and carnelian. if you dont know what that is then to bad. haha jk. they are like a mix of stones like ruby. different rite? anyways it gets better. a rainbow surrounded his throne! [if you are reading the bible it puts it into much cooler terms] awesome rite?! then it goes on saying that out of his seat was coming thunder and lighting. now this is where it gets creepy.

there are 4 living creatures surrounding his throne. [if you are the faint-hearted i would suggest stop reading here] :] anyways, the first like a lion, the second like a calf, the third like a human, and the fourth like and eagle in flight. this is really creepy. each of the four living creatures had 6 WINGS AND WERE COVERED WITH EYES FROM FRONT TO BACK! and yet they were always saying Holy holy holy, Lord God the almighty, who was and is and is to come. just think how scared you would be of those monsters yet they were scared of God! and all the same God would hold you like a father holding a daughter or son.

thats what i love about him. you could be so scared of him, but when you need him most, he is always there for you and holds you like a little baby. thats a good thing :] God is huge, but we need to tell people about him. if we dont... who knows how many people wouldnt  get to know how awesome Christ is. 

Friday, February 6, 2009

my sidekicks

I love my friends to death and if you know me well you know its true :] i just wanted to let them know how much they mean to me because sometimes i dont think they understand.

Kayley Loo: your the longest friend i have had and i am grateful for that! we are both christians and we love spending time with God! that amazing! your the coolest friend any girl could have!!! or any guy should consider their selves lucky to be going out with you :] you have changed my point of view of church. i used to think it was really boring but now since you told me church is a time you get to know God deeply, church has been awesome! im getting into worship and i love listening to David (our awesome youth pastor) speaking the word of God. I have been so blessed by having you, Kayley, as a BEST friend :]

Briana: Briana you make everyday worthwhile! you make my days have a million laughs and i love that about you. we have friends since 7th grade and its been awesome. alot of times when im really hurting inside you come to the rescue and make me laugh and i need that. i dont know what i would have done without you bri but i now im glad to be best friends with you today :]

Savannah: you and your craziness make me love you. your awesome. you have many ways of showing your love to your friends and thats awesome haha. everyday in geometry your the girl i can talk to about why i am mad or why i am sad. and you tell me everything is gunna be ok or dont listen to her opinion. im also very glad that when we went to the lock out you hung out with ur sisters more than your mister. :] and thats awesome. those reasons are why ur one of my awesome friends! and i am honored that you are one of them :]

Chris: I cant wait until Olympics 2020! (im sure you will be in the olympics by then cus u are awesome! maybe even 2016! *crosses fingers*) your the best guy friend any girl cud ever have. you make me feel awesome and well....your a great swimmer. i mean i cant even have words to describe of how awesome you are a friend to me. i mean... your just to awesome to describe :) you hang with me when i need someone to hang with. your always there for me chris. and thats why ur awesome!

Melanie: you rock my socks off! your an awesome christian and thats cool! your also there for me and you tell me that like maybe it wasnt meant to be. ur good like that :] we have been friends since 6th grade. you have been there for me for that long! thats craziness!! i hope we get to be friends for ever! i really do :]

Alex: i cant believe i have friend like you. your always there for me. you always have something to say good about me to boost my confidence(but not to much) :] we have been friends since 1st grade! wow!! thats amazing!! i hope i get to know you for the rest of my life. if i dont know what i will do with myself because you help me with getting over things. and i praise God that he let me have a great friend like you!

all of my friends have something different about them and thats why they are my friends :] 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

my weakness

my life has been crazy but im starting to get it back into reality. my grades haven't been so great so that has been a bummer. but now i have been raising them up. for once in my life their hasnt been drama! woo! rite now its all about love and fun! and grades haha. 

my mornings usually aren't routine based i just get up, get dressed, do my hair, and then eat breakfast while watching tv. sometimes its mixed around. anyways i have enough experience that i should know by now that life isn't all that long as you want it to be. i mean its not like back in Jesus's time where there were 400 year old people. and there was defiantly no cars and no way to wreck them (seeing as there were none). 2 times already i could have died and that didnt happen. i think that was a calling to me from God. He let me live just so i could get closer to him. 

before my first wreck, i didnt really believe in God all that much. the wreck happened. yea i was really scared but i got over it. and i kept living my life. not being close to God. I went to school. got a tardy. everything was how everything should be except that i was tardy. tardy because of the wreck. i kept having those weird popping up flashbacks, you know, that you see on tv? anyway, the flashbacks. when i have those i see myself talking to brittany saying, "this is weird, ya know? your driving. me!" i was actually kinda excited that she was but anyways my sister, being the fast and furious lover, she drove really fast when it was raining. (now just to let you know my sister's car is used.) anyway the car started swerving and she said "hold on something is wrong." and i went "wha?" and then we went across the road. when there was oncoming traffic. on my side! i let go of everything and then we hit. being the scared 6th grader i was i went "did we just flip?" and of course we didn't but it was still super scary. her boyfriend came and helped us out of the car and i looked around. we were about 5 miles down the road from my house and we hit a fence post. not that scary huh? and then i started crying. i dont know why but i just...ya know, did. thinking of wow, i could have just died. if that car could have been any closer... goner. thank goodness for brit's boyfriend or else i would still be scared to ride in cars today.

nice wreck story huh? that was when i was 11! my mom is 43 and she has only been in 1 wreck and it was when she was 42. a few weeks later i became really close to God. thank goodness! but still i became a "fading christian" as i like to call them. a christian who doesnt really give their full attention to God. this wreck proved me something. and it was actually pretty recent. my sister again but different car (totaled the other. ironic huh?) pretty much same place and different way to wreck. sort of.

my sister said me and here would be hanging out to today and maybe even play our flutes together :) that brightened my day and i couldn't wait. we went to sonic and got my favorite, number 3, and a dr. pepper. awesome right? anyway we were almost home and we saw a wreck and were like ouch that had to hurt! and we had the turning signal on and everything. but the guy behind us just couldnt pay attention. to focused on the other wreck instead of the one he was about to create.  he hit pull on in the back and i let go of everything again. it seemed like everything went in slow motion and i sat there thinking oh my gosh not again. well it did. and we ended up right by my neighbors yard. scared i asked brittany if she was ok she answered "ya im fine." phew so we are both alive. the guy who ran into us i saw got out of the car infuriated  and seemed really mad himself. started banging on his truck and just laid his head down on the trunk bed of the truck probably thinking to himself "what have i done?" we just sat there for a while and then this awesome woman came by the street and stopped and helped us. my mom had brought her truck already for me to sit in  and i was happy. my neck really hurt and so did my back. the nurse told me probably whiplash but she wanted to make sure. the cop who was helping the other wreck had come over to help us and he called 911. it took about 30 min (craziness i know!) and they finally got there. the lady was super nice and felt around my neck and i told her where it hurts. she told me if the pain is in the middle of my neck i just might go paralized. so i went to the hospital stiff as ever and went in. they realized that it was just whiplash and that they just wanted to make sure that my internals were ok. they ended up being just fine and we left. two weeks later 200 something dollar fine but im just glad im ok.

they points of my stories are that life is short. dont get so used to it that u forget that. and that you need to know God before your time comes. like what my t shirt says. God's love expires when you do unless you have him in your life. if you want to know God you can talk to me. i can show you how amazing and awesome he really is. 

peace out my home skillet biscuits!